

        張長(cháng)生研究員團隊在《Nature Communications》發(fā)表論文


        時(shí)間:2022-09-19  作者:  來(lái)源:文本大?。骸?a href="javascript:doZoom(16)">大 |  | 】  【打印

        題目: Biochemical and structural insights of multifunctional flavin-dependent monooxygenase FlsO1-catalyzed unexpected xanthone formation

        作者Chunfang Yang#, Liping Zhang#, Wenjun Zhang, Chunshuai Huang, Yiguang Zhu, Xiaodong Jiang, Wei Liu, Mengran Zhao, Bidhan Chandra De, and Changsheng Zhang*

        刊物: Nature Communications

        年卷期頁(yè): 2022,13, 5386

        摘要:Xanthone-containing natural products display diverse pharmacological properties. The biosynthetic mechanisms of the xanthone formation have not been well documented. Here we show that the flavoprotein monooxygenase FlsO1 in the biosynthesis of fluostatins not only functionally compensates for the monooxygenase FlsO2 in converting prejadomycin to dehydrorabelomycin, but also unexpectedly converts prejadomycin to xanthone-containing products by catalyzing three successive oxidations including hydroxylation, epoxidation and Baeyer-Villiger oxidation. We also provide biochemical evidence to support the physiological role of FlsO1 as the benzo[b]-fluorene C5-hydrolase by using nenestatin C as a substrate mimic. Finally, we resolve the crystal structure of FlsO1 in complex with the cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide close to the “in” conformation to enable the construction of reactive substrate-docking models to understand the basis of a single enzyme-catalyzed multiple oxidations. This study highlights a mechanistic perspective for the enzymatic xanthone formation in actinomycetes and sets an example for the versatile functions of flavoproteins.

        Copyright    中國科學(xué)院熱帶海洋生物資源與生態(tài)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室    版權所有
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