

        Notice for 2021 Doctoral Candidates Thesis/Dissertation Proposal and Interim Report


        時(shí)間:2021-04-08  作者:研究生部  來(lái)源:文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印

          According to the graduate programthe doctoral candidates enrolled in 2020 should finish the dissertation proposal, and students enrolled in 2019 should finish the mid-term evaluation by 25th May, 2021. The details are hereby notified as follows: 

          Evaluation Contents 

          1. Dissertation proposal should be including:

          1)The background and significance of the topic;

          2)Latest development and trends in this discipline at home and abroad;

          3)Main content and expected outcomes of the research;

          4)Approach, research methods, experiment plans and their feasibility;

          5)Existing research foundations and requirements for research;

          6)Work plan including time table;

          7)List of references. 

          2. Interim report should be including: 

          1)Progress of the dissertation, existing problems, results and findings obtained;

          2)The following work plan and details, expected time for dissertation defense;

          3)List of research achievements (academic papers published or under review, patent, etc.).

          Evaluation Methods 

          1)Take the key laboratory as unit, and divided into major disciplines, centralized and public defense.

          2)The defense must be attended by the applicant and shall not be substituted by any other person. All tutors whose students participate in assessment must attend defense meeting.

          3)The thesis proposal and interim report of master students are 8 minutes and 10 minutes, respectively; doctoral dissertation proposal and interim report are 10 minutes and 12 minutes, respectively. (The question time is set by the laboratory according to the actual circumstances)

          4)If the thesis/dissertation involves secrets, an application shall be submitted before the thesis proposal. After being approved as a classified thesis/dissertation, the thesis/ dissertation proposal and the mid-term report shall not participate in public defense.

          Evaluation Result 

          The evaluation shall be scored according to the hundred-mark system (80 points and above are passed), and marked as excellent, good, qualified and unqualified according to the score level, among which the proportion of excellent, good and qualified is 3:4:3. 


          1. UCAS Student Education System 

          1)Students upload the report and submit to the supervisor (inform the supervisor after submission) before 30th April, 24:00 in the Student Education System (Training and Guide- Academic Paper-Thesis Proposal/ Mid-term Evaluation);

          2)Supervisor should complete the review and submit to the institute before 7th May, 17:00.

          2. Paper Materials 

          1)After the submission of supervisor, students download and print the registration form and report (two documents), which should be signed by supervisor. (Please adjust the format before print, and the attachments show Chinese-English version)

          2)Submit the paper materials (registration form and report) and PPT to the laboratory secretariat according to the deadline required by the notice of each key laboratory.


          1)According to the regulations, the thesis/ dissertation proposal and the mid-term, and the mid-term and graduation should be separated by half a year (or one semester), otherwise the graduate defense cannot be done.

          2)For students in other grades who need to make up the thesis proposal or mid-term evaluation, please register with the laboratory secretary according to the time arrangement of the key laboratory.

          3)Students who can’t attend the defense because of put out to sea,on trip or stranded abroad, should apply to the key laboratory (attachment application form) in advance. After the consent of key laboratory, hand in the form to the laboratory secretary. Apply the defense as soon as possible according to the scheduling after back to institute.

          4)For those who cannot participate in the evaluation abroad for a long time due to the research needs, with the approval of the supervisor of the institute, they can apply for the thesis proposal / mid-term evaluation organized by the cooperative tutor, and submit relevant evaluation materials to the graduate department for record according to the requirements of this notice.

          5)Since the tutor is an employee of a foreign unit, but not in Guangzhou area, the graduate student may apply for the thesis proposal/mid-term assessment organized by the tutor in his/her unit, and submit relevant evaluation materials to the graduate department for record according to the requirements of this notice.

          Contact Laboratory Secretary: 

          LTO:  According to the arrangement from the lab (lto@scsio.ac.cn) 

          LMB:  XIE wenyan (xiewy@scsio.ac.cn, 89023101) 

          OMG:  LIU Jiuling (liujiuling@scsio.ac.cn, 89101710) 

          Graduate Student Education Department, YANG Min (minyang@scsio.ac.cn, 89449312) 



        1.2021年博士開(kāi)題中期名單匯總-Name List

        2.登記表和報告模板-Template for Registration Form and Repot

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        電話(huà):020-89023101  傳真:86-20-84451672  Email:liujuan@scsio.ac.cn